Category Archives: Exterior walls

Day 57 – Joists down, timber walls removed and window work begun

What prophetic words in the last post. At the end of day 57 the Cordial Factory has been transformed (Well, it looks that way to us). The wooden walls at the rear of the hall have been removed and the joists have been laid. The old window frames have been removed and the ‘bricked up’ window cavity on the north wall has been opened. The wooden lintel is still intact. The red joists are a stronger wood and will support the new walls that will be made of polystyrene – like an Esky.

Site meeting – floor levels

This morning the Cordial Factory Crew had a site meeting with Paul and Robyn from Lifehouse Design and Dugald and Ross from VRBS. The number 1 item on the agenda was floor levels. During the design phase a final floor height was not specified. We were wanting to determine that at the beginning of the build – match the new floor with the existing floor level if possible. Of course, the challenge was always going to be the link between the two buildings. There will now be a step up into the hall and the house from the link.

There was a discussion about drainage and a decision was made to install a sump and pump under the floor of the hall. This could prove invaluable in the event of significant flooding.

Caution: Heavy machinery at work

The senior apprentice worked hard this afternoon in sunny (but still chilly) conditions to clear the rubble for the next stage of work.

Queen’s Birthday weekend

I ache all over.  My shoulders have an awful tingly sensation.  Obviously a clear sign that I did too much work on removing the cement render off the walls over the long weekend.  My co-worker and I keep reminding each other “It will look worse before it looks better.”  The two ‘apprentices’ found great amusement in being able to look at each other through the gaps of the double-brick walls.  Once they tired of that they were somewhat helpful in removing the rubble.

Chipping away the cement render